43 research outputs found

    On Argumentation Logic and Propositional Logic

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    This paper studies the relationship between Argumentation Logic (AL), a recently defined logic based on the study of argumentation in AI, and classical Propositional Logic (PL). In particular, it shows that AL and PL are logically equivalent in that they have the same entailment relation from any given classically consistent theory. This equivalence follows from a correspondence between the non-acceptability of (arguments for) sentences in AL and Natural Deduction (ND) proofs of the complement of these sentences. The proof of this equivalence uses a restricted form of ND proofs, where hypotheses in the application of the Reductio of Absurdum inference rule are required to be “relevant” to the absurdity derived in the rule. The paper also discusses how the argumentative re-interpretation of PL could help control the application of ex-falso quodlibet in the presence of inconsistencies


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    PROSOCS agents are software agents that are built according to the KGP model of agency. KGP is used as a model for the mind of the agent, so that the agent can act autonomously using a collection of logic theories, providing the mind's reasoning functionalities. The behavior of the agent is controlled by a cycle theory that specifies the agent's preferred patterns of operation. The implementation of the mind's generic functionality in PROSOCS is worked out in such a way so it can be instantiated by the platform for different agents across applications. In this context, the development of a concrete example illustrates how an agent developer might program the generic functionality of the mind for a simple application. 20 2-4 105 131 Cited By :1

    A web application to optimization of transport in military operations

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    Transport is an operation necessary to carry out any logistical mission, especially in times of war, peace or natural disasters. The distribution of the necessary demanded resources is done from a military unit, to the different locations or military bases. However, operational efficiency depends on the planners. In more than 60% of trips, shipping and return isn’t efficient, even between the same units. The cause is the non-consolidation of trips and the lack of return load, coming from perimeter units. Planning is done without consolidating trips and in many cases on demand. It’s presented a web application, a parametric framework to any geographical area, given the integration with applications such as Google Maps®. Computational times are reasonable, given a to hardiness to the problem. The software architecture is scalable and extensible, complying with software quality practices present in ISO 25000

    Abductive Concept Learning

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    We investigate how abduction and induction can be integrated into a common learning framework. In particular, we consider an extension of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) for the case in which both the background and the target theories are abductive logic programs and where an abductive notion of entailment is used as the basic coverage relation for learning. This extended learning framework has been called Abductive Concept Learning (ACL). In this framework, it is possible to learn with incomplete background information about the training examples by exploiting the hypothetical reasoning of abduction. We also study how the ACL framework can be used as a basis for multiple predicate learning. An algorithm for ACL is developed by suitably extending the topdown ILP method: the deductive proof procedure of Logic Programming is replaced by an abductive proof procedure for Abductive Logic Programming. This algorithm also incorporates a phase for learning integrity 2 Fabrizio..